YAFFA/ARIHA 500ml Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Benefits of Palestinian first cold pressed olive oil :
- Superior quality & pure
- Low acidity level below 0.6%
- Contains Oleic Acid
- Vitamin E
- Phenolic compounds
- Protective effects against heart disease
- Inhibition of LDL bad-cholesterol oxidation
- Usually ships on the same / next working day
- Lower overall cancer rates especially breast cancer
ARIHA 500ml Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
ARIHA 250ml Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Usually ships on the same / next working day
- Benefits of Palestinian first cold pressed olive oil :
- Superior quality & pure
- Low acidity level below 0.7%
- Contains Oleic Acid
- Vitamin E
- Phenolic compounds
- Protective effects against heart disease
- Inhibition of LDL bad-cholesterol oxidation
- Lower overall cancer rates especially breast cancer