About Us
Ariha Story
What we do at Ariha
Ariha seeks to promote Palestinian products in Malaysia. We source our products from the Palestinian occupied territories and are continually increasing the product range. We experience excellent demand and support from the public who recognise the importance of supporting Palestinian farmers to market their high quality goods at fair prices.
Palestinian farmers often face difficulties; even when they are able to pick their crops, they do not get good prices for their produce due to the limited market available to them. Ariha offers an avenue for farmers and producers to successfully market their goods outside the Palestinian territories.
When sourcing our products, we ensure all produce originates from Palestinian farms and factories and that the farmers and workers are paid a fair price for their products. Not only does our operation help the farmers but we also pack all products locally using local packaging factories, thus creating jobs for many workers. Our orders also create opportunities for local printing and transport companies.
Please join us to support Palestinian farmers and the local Palestinian economy by promoting Palestinian products. We believe that empowering the local community to produce and market world-class products is better than charity hand-outs in many ways. Nevertheless, as a small input into supporting the Palestinian agricultural sector, a large portion of the sales profit is channeled to charity organizations to sponsor agricultural projects in Palestine.
We have been working in partnership with Yaffa Ltd in the United Kingdom since 2013.

Enjoy world class products whilst Supporting Palestinian farmers and workers
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